is an AI meme generator that can turn text into memes.
Our three major features are: is a completely bootstrapped product. It's currently run by three internet strangers who have not met each other.
Meme creation isn't a very enjoyable process. The joy of memes actually comes from sharing and consuming them, not by creating them.
Meme creation is a 4 step process - template sourcing, writing the copy, formatting the image and distributing it across different channels. We aim to remove friction at each and every step
Meme creation is a niche skill. For anyone to use other meme generators, they need to already know the template and meme they want to create. But most people do not have that skill. However, if they look at a meme they can judge if it's funny or even do minor tweaks to make it funny. That's what enables and something that other meme generators won't.
Our vision is to break the monotony in marketing using humour and we hope to do that by democratising meme creation for the internet.
We want to be the default meme generator that enables people at scale to generate memes by leveraging the ever growing power of AI.
Our primary target is marketing teams looking for creative marketing solutions. Audiences, especially business audiences, have tuned out marketing speak. Marketing teams are desperately looking for a way to cut through the noise.
Social media, cold emails, presentations, blog posts to name a few. Learn more about meme marketing usecases here.
Absolutely. We believe everyone has something to market. Memes can be an excellent vessel for your ideas.
Our pitch deck has information about our product, market and critical statistics. We are constantly updating this information that might benefit future partners
Spoiler alert: The pitch deck is full of memes ;)
We're currently at $25,000 ARR and 140,000 signups
$0. We've generated 100,000 signups purely through organic channels and word of mouth. Read more about that journey here